London Repertoire Orchestra

If you love playing in orchestra but get a little bored in repetitive rehearsals then the LRO might be what you are looking for…


At LRO, we rehearse a different piece each week under the guidance of a new conductor. The session typically begins with focused rehearsal and concludes with a spirited run-through, where we strive to capture the essence of the music—even if a note or two goes astray.

Whether you’re an expert sight-reader or looking to sharpen your skills, LRO offers the perfect environment to challenge and inspire you. Our repertoire features a dynamic mix of beloved classics and hidden gems to keep every musician engaged.

We’re a lively, welcoming group with a dedicated post-rehearsal pub tradition—where making friends is just as important as making music. Join us for both!


LRO meets on Wednesday evenings, 19:00 – 21:30, during term times, with a break for half term.


St Joseph’s Church Hall
15 Lamb’s Passage

The Church and hall building was originally a Victorian School, it is situated in the right angle bend in Lamb’s Passage.

We have recently invested in some acoustic treatment to improve the sound.

See map… 

Underground Stations: Old Street, Moorgate, Barbican


We do not have a permanent conductor and are therefore able to have a selection of regular conductors and to invite guests from a pool of freelance professionals who would not be able to commit to a weekly rehearsal. Professional Conductors’ fees are generously sponsored by Christopher Evans, an orchestra member.

Wind players audition for positions and are required to attend all sessions or to provide a deputy.

We have a professional leader –  Tina Bowles and a professional ‘cellist – Anthony Gamage. String players are encouraged to come along as often as possible when they are able.  This is ideal if you would like to play in an orchestra but cannot commit to a weekly session.


Per session: £12 (£6 concession)
Concession rates apply to students, unwaged and pensioners.

There is a 20% discount for regular players who pay for the whole term at the start of term.  (This is the total number of sessions with your instrument in the term * your session rate (£12 or £6) .. then lop off 1/5th of this value.)

Payment in advance please by bank transfer or by Credit Card at the venue.

Please pay to Lloyds TSB
Account Name: London Repertoire Orchestra
Sort Code: 30 92 32
Account Number: 00685510

LRO is a Charity and is registered for Gift Aid


Chairman:    David Cutts
Leader:        Tina Bowles
Librarian:     George Marshall
Membership Secretary: Simon Ashdown


We currently have vacancies for  Horns and Strings (especially Violins and  Cellos). We are always interested to hear from potential wind deputies.

If you are a permanent LRO wind player or regular LRO string player please sign up via the Sign-Up Form on the sign-up page.  Deputy wind players please wait to be invited before signing up.

If you are new to LRO please contact us if you would like to join us.

Schedule for Autumn Term 2024

15-Jan Rachmaninov Symphonic Dance no.1 (and maybe 2) (Alexander Walker)
2.picc.2.corA.2.bcl.asax.2.dbn- 40′

22-Jan Elgar Salut d’Amour/Imperial March/Froissart (Dominic McGonigal)
1  2  2  2 — 2  0  0  0 — str
2[1.2/pic]  2  2  2 — 4  3  3  1 — tmp+3 — str
2[1.2/pic]  2  2  3[1.2.opt cbn] — 4  2  3  0 — tmp+1 opt — str

29-Jan Ethel Smyth Serenade (James Ross)
2[1.2/pic]  2  2  2 — 3  2  0  0 — tmp — str. 36′

05-Feb Prokofiev Peter and the Wolf (Oliver Till)
1  1  1  1 — 3  1  1  0 — tmp+1 — str

12-Feb Louise Farrenc Symphony no.1 in C minor (Otis Lineham)
2  2  2  2 — 2  2  0  0 — tmp — str

26-Feb Elgar Cello Concerto in E minor (Peter Davies)
2  2  2  2 — 4  2  3  1[opt] — tmp — str

05-Mar Mozart Symphony no.35 (Haffner) (Owen Ho)
2  2  2  2 — 2  2  0  0 — tmp — str

12-Mar Sibelius 3 (John Landor)
2  2  2  2 — 4 3 3 0 — tmp — str

19-Mar Dvorak Symphony no.8 (Gonzalo Acosta)
2[1.2/pic]  2[1.2/Eh]  2  2 — 4  2  3  1 — tmp — str

26-Mar Debussy Prelude A L’apres-Midi D’un Faune / Tchaikovsky Romeo and Juliette Overture-Fantasy (David Cutts)
3  3[1.2.Eh]  2  2 — 4  0  0  0 — 1perc — 2hp — str
3[1.2.pic]  3[1.2.Eh]  2  2 — 4  2  3  1 — tmp+2 — hp — str

02-Apr Vaughan Williams Symphony no.5 (James Ross)
2[1.2/pic]  2[1.Eh]  2  2 — 2  2  3  0 — tmp — str